75/5120 Reloads

75/5120 Reloads
  • Aerotech L1420 Redline Rocket Motor

    Aerotech L1420 Redline Rocket Motor

    This motor requires a L2 Certification to buy. The L1420R-PS is a Plugged/Smoke motor reload. Plugged reload kits do not utilize a motor-actuated delay or ejection charge. Plugged motors must be used in conjunction with a timer, altimeter or radio-activated recovery system. This RMS motor reload utilizes RCSs exclusive Redline™ aerospace grade composite propellant formulation, which produces a visible scarlet flame. Redline™ motors burning rate lies midway between that of White Light…
  • Aerotech L2200 Mojave Green Rocket Motor

    Aerotech L2200 Mojave Green Rocket Motor

    This motor requires a L2 Certification to buy. The L2200G-PS is a Plugged/Smoke motor reload. Plugged reload kits do not utilize a motor-actuated delay or ejection charge. Plugged motors must be used in conjunction with a timer, altimeter or radio-activated recovery system. This RMS motor reload utilizes RCSs exclusive Mojave Green™ aerospace grade composite propellant formulation, which produces a brilliant green exhaust plume with a moderate amount of smoke. Mojave Green™ motors hi…
  • Aerotech L900 Dark Matter Rocket Motor

    Aerotech L900 Dark Matter Rocket Motor

    This motor requires a L2 Certification to buy. The L900DM-PS is a Plugged/Smoke motor reload. Plugged reload kits do not utilize a motor-actuated delay or ejection charge. Plugged motors must be used in conjunction with a timer, altimeter or radio-activated recovery system. This RMS motor reload utilizes RCSs exclusive Dark Matter™ aerospace grade composite propellant formulation. Dark Matter™ is a sparky propellant, but unlike Metalstorm™ with its higher ISP and white smoke, Dark …


    Stock Level: 2


    Stock Level: 2
  • Aerotech M1297 White Lightning Rocket Motor

    Aerotech M1297 White Lightning Rocket Motor

    This motor requires a L3 Certification to buy. The M1297W-PS is a Plugged/Smoke motor reload. Plugged reload kits do not utilize a motor-actuated delay or ejection charge. Plugged motors must be used in conjunction with a timer, altimeter or radio-activated recovery system. This RMS motor reload utilizes RCSs exclusive White Lightning™ aerospace grade composite propellant formulation, which produces a gorgeous bright white flame with lots of dense white smoke and a throaty roar at lift…
  • Aerotech M1500 Mojave Green Rocket Motor

    Aerotech M1500 Mojave Green Rocket Motor

    This motor requires a L3 Certification to buy. The M1500G-PS is a Plugged/Smoke motor reload. Plugged reload kits do not utilize a motor-actuated delay or ejection charge. Plugged motors must be used in conjunction with a timer, altimeter or radio-activated recovery system. This RMS motor reload utilizes RCSs exclusive Mojave Green™ aerospace grade composite propellant formulation, which produces a brilliant green exhaust plume with a moderate amount of smoke. Mojave Green™ motors hi…
  • Aerotech M1780 Blue Thunder Rocket Motor

    Aerotech M1780 Blue Thunder Rocket Motor

    This motor requires a L3 Certification to buy. The M1780NT-PS is a Plugged/Smoke motor reload. Plugged reload kits do not utilize a motor-actuated delay or ejection charge. Plugged motors must be used in conjunction with a timer, altimeter or radio-activated recovery system. This RMS motor reload utilizes RCSs exclusive New Blue Thunder™ aerospace grade composite propellant formulation, which produces a beautiful intense blue exhaust jet studded with prominent “mach diamonds.” New …
  • Aerotech M2050 Propellant X Rocket Motor

    Aerotech M2050 Propellant X Rocket Motor

    This motor requires a L3 Certification to buy. The M2050X-PS is a Plugged/Smoke motor reload. Plugged reload kits do not utilize a motor-actuated delay or ejection charge. Plugged motors must be used in conjunction with a timer, altimeter or radio-activated recovery system. This RMS motor reload utilizes RCSs exclusive Propellant X™ aerospace grade composite propellant formulation, which is a high ISP propellant, and produces a bright white flame with a moderate amount of smoke. The…
  • Aerotech M2225 Super White Lightning Rocket Motor

    Aerotech M2225 Super White Lightning Rocket Motor

    This motor requires a L3 Certification to buy. The M2225-PS is a Plugged/Smoke motor reload. Plugged reload kits do not utilize a motor-actuated delay or ejection charge. Plugged motors must be used in conjunction with a timer, altimeter or radio-activated recovery system. This RMS motor reload utilizes RCSs exclusive Super White Lightning™ aerospace grade composite propellant formulation, which produces a gorgeous bright white flame with lots of dense white smoke and a throaty roar at…


    Stock Level: 1


    Stock Level: 1
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