Conductive Starter Mix 28

Conductive Starter Mix 28
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Product Information

Nothing could be easier, now you can make starters that fit your needs and you don’t have to use bridge wires.  It’s Simple, all you do is mix it up, prepare your leads, dip, dry coat and fire.  Easy to follow procedure included, anyone can do it and produce a dependable starter.  Everything you need is included with the kit, except Acetone.  Acetone can be found at most any hardware or home improvement store.  Make a few and you’ll be an expert.


Using this product, you will be able to make Motor Starters the way you want them.  Big, little or in between.  These starters are compatible with all Club Type 12 Volt Launch Controls


There are six steps.

As follows:

Step 1 –  Select lead wire either Shooter wire or Cat5 cable.  While Cat5 wire will work, the Shooter wire is much easier to work with.

Step 2 – Strip one end of your lead to begin dipping.

Step 3 – Dip as you require.  You will control the size and length of your starter.

Step 4 – Dry over night.

Step 5 – Apply coating, then allow an hour to dry.

Step 6 – Bench test, this is a very important step, do not skip it.

Earn Reward Points: 38

Earn Discount: $1.14

Product Code3718
Stock Level6

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