54/2800 Reloads

54/2800 Reloads
  • Aerotech K990DM-14A Dark Matter Rocket Motor

    Aerotech K990DM-14A Dark Matter Rocket Motor

    This motor requires a L2 Certification to buy. This RMS motor reload utilizes RCSs exclusive Dark Matter™ aerospace grade composite propellant formulation. Dark Matter™ is a sparky propellant, but unlike Metalstorm™ with its higher ISP and white smoke, Dark Matter™ is a black smoke sparky motor.  The AeroTech motor reload kit comes with 1 rocket motor reload. Reload kits include all internal motor components and FirstFire™ Initiators and requires HAZMAT shipping via FEDEX. …


    Stock Level: 2


    Stock Level: 2
  • Aerotech L1090W-P White Lightning Rocket Motor

    Aerotech L1090W-P White Lightning Rocket Motor

    This motor requires a L2 Certification to buy. The L1090W-PS is a Plugged/Smoke motor reload. Plugged reload kits do not utilize a motor-actuated delay or ejection charge. Plugged motors must be used in conjunction with a timer, altimeter or radio-activated recovery system. This RMS motor reload utilizes RCSs exclusive White Lightning™ aerospace grade composite propellant formulation, which produces a gorgeous bright white flame with lots of dense white smoke and a throaty roar at lift…
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