Wildman Blackhawk 24

Wildman Blackhawk 24
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Product Information


This Carbon Fiber minimum diameter 24mm rocket will fly on anything from an Estes D to the largest 24 mm motors made. The Blackhawk 24 weighs in at only 6.9 oz. built and painted.
This Kit Includes:

  • Carbon Fiber airframe 24mm diameter 30 long
  • Graphite impregnated nose cone 5.5" long
  • 3 carbon fiber fins
  • Top Flight nylon parachute
  • 3 yards of Kevlar® Shock Cord
  • 1 set of fiberglass fin alignment guides
  • 1 set of high temperature epoxy

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Product Code3675
ManufacturerWildman Rocketry

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