Wildman Drago 5" XL

Wildman Drago 5" XL
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Product Information


The Drago 5 XL makes a GREAT Level 3 bird. Perfect for small fields on a 75mm 4-grain (with 75mm adapter) or let 'er rip on a 98mm 6XL! Includes:

  • 5" diameter, 60" long booster
  • 5" diameter, 30" long payload section
  • 98mm motor mount tube
  • 3/16" beveled fins
  • 12" long coupler avionics bay with switch/vent band 
  • one-piece stepped av-bay lids
  • 2 fiberglass centering rings
  • 1 coupler bulk plate
  • 5-1 filament-wound fiberglass nosecone with aluminum tip

Earn Reward Points: 725

Earn Discount: $21.75

Product Code3655
ManufacturerWildman Rocketry

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