Wildman AMRAAM 5"

Wildman AMRAAM 5"
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Product Information


The popular AMRAAM missile... WILDMAN STYLE!

The 5" diameter fiberglass-and-aluminum AMRAAM 5 consists of:

  • 48" fiberglass booster
  • 32" fiberglass payload section
  • 10" fiberglass coupler
  • 5:1 filament would aluminum tipped fiberglass nosecone
  • 75mm fiberglass motor mount
  • Fiberglass centering rings
  • Fiberglass nosecone coupler bulk plate
  • Single-piece stepped avionics bay bulkplates
  • 1/8 beveled G10 fins

Earn Reward Points: 549

Earn Discount: $16.47

Product Code3648
ManufacturerWildman Rocketry

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