Skill 1.5



    The Avalear is named for Glen Avalear who was an educator and model rocketry enthusiast. This kit has some balsa cutting to be done and while the large fins look daunting, the shapes are simple and we include a jig to make alignment simpler.


    Stock Level: 2


    Stock Level: 2


    With a cool ring fin design, the Buck Shot has lots of opportunities for complex color schemes.
  • Lil' Guy

    Lil' Guy

    The commemorative rocket of NERRF 5, this easy build has two fin patterns: the one pictured is based on the rocket from the NERRF logo, the other is simpler to cut for those just learning about cutting balsa fins. With streamer recovery, this is a simple to fly rocket as well. Still stable with B and C engines, very high flights can also be had!


    Stock Level: 2


    Stock Level: 2
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