LCD Terminal

LCD Terminal
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Product Information

The LCDT (LCD Terminal) belongs to m3 (Missile Works Mini Module) Component family, and provides a handy way to interact with the RRC3 and RRC2L altimeters, along with the RTx system.

The LCDT eliminates the need to bring a laptop PC to the Launch Field and provides immediate text and icon based displays that be used to configure, review flight data and perform diagnostics. Navigation with all of our device is easy with our exclusive "1 click" guided operation.

16 character / 2 line, High Contrast 5x7 Reflective LCD display module
4-button soft key interface with "one-click" tact switches
Adjustable Contrast knob
2' Modular 10-pin x 2mm IDC ribbon cable assembly

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Product Code1488
ManufacturerMissle Works
Stock Level3

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