EasyMotor is designed for in-flight characterization of research rocket motors. It records chamber pressure and acceleration to an on-board flash memory chip, the contents of which can be downloaded after flight over USB.
User View
- Data logger storing motor chamber pressure and acceleration
- works with inexpensive 5V analog output pressure sensors
- USB for configuration, data recovery, and battery charging
- Designed for use with a single-cell LiPo battery
- 1.5 x 0.8 inch board
Developer View
Hardware Features
- NXP LPC11U14 System-on-Chip
- ARM Cortex-M0 MCU
- 32k Flash
- 6k RAM
- USB 2.0
- 8 12-bit analog inputs
- I2C, SPI, async serial
- digital I/O
- Analog Devices ADXL375 3-Axis Digital MEMS Accelerometer
- +- 200g full-scale
- on-chip digitizer
- on-board USB-based charger for single-cell LiPo battery
- low noise 5V switching regulator to power pressure sensor
- precision divider with 0.1% resistors to scale pressure sensor analog output to match SOC analog input voltage range
Software Features
- Written mostly in C with some ARM assembler
- Runs from on-chip flash, uses on-chip RAM, stores flight data to serial flash
- USB serial emulation for "console" interface
Tools Used
Mounting examples can be found here:
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