PML 3.0 Carbon Fiber Nose Cone

PML 3.0 Carbon Fiber Nose Cone
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Product Information

UL/PRM Series Ogive Carbon Fiber Nosecone: 3" diameter
Lightweight yet rigid enough for any flight. Use in combination with the Ultra-Light Carbon Tubing CFAF-3.0-UL or Premium Series Carbon Tubing CFAF-3.0-PRM to build a light yet amazingly strong rocket.

Fits: 3.0" ID tubing (for UL and PRM series)
Wall Thickness: 0.040"
Weight (typical): 150 gms.
Exposed Length: 12.5"

Earn Reward Points: 78

Earn Discount: $2.34

Product Code3459
ManufacturerPublic Missiles

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