QuickDip 28

QuickDip 28
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Product Information

QuickDip pyrogen, comes in a new resealable plastic bottle with a lid liner which is resistant to acetone this will give you more shelf time.  Either of the kits will make a boatload of igniters. All you do is thin the mix with acetone (available at most Home Improvement/Hardware) stores to the consistency of thick maple syrup and dip away. I suggest dipping then allowing the mix to harden a few seconds, then re-dipping until you get the desired thickness. Each bottle comes with complete instructions and QuickDip can be re-thinned as many times as necessary. Now you can make your own High Power Igniters, and make them perform as you need.  We are also offering a 14 Gram Kit.  When making your starters it’s best to coat the finished igniter with TopCoat.  This will make them much more robust.

A note on Acetone:  Use new, fresh 100% Acetone and fingernail polish remover will not work, it must be Acetone.


Long Term Storage:

The solvent used in QuickDip is acetone and acetone evaporates rapidly. If your QuickDip dries out during storage you can always reconstitute it by thinning with acetone. Try storing your bottle of QuickDip in a Mason jar. The Mason jars seal very well and will help preserve the product.

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Product Code3715
Stock Level10

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